If the baby cries for no reason. Why is the baby crying? Causes of Baby Crying - Baby Development Calendar

Newborns and babies up to a year often cry for no apparent reason. But actually there is a reason. How to determine it for a mother without experience and help the baby? How to hold a newborn in your arms and how else can you calm the baby?

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The main skill of the first month of a child's life can be considered adaptation, getting used to the basic realities of infant life: attachment to mother's breast, digestion of milk, sleep and wakefulness. This is all that the baby did not do in the womb. And these are really big changes. No wonder a newborn baby cries all the time. There are many reasons, let's find out.

Reasons for crying if the baby is healthy

The reason for the crying of the child is as follows:

  • the child wants to eat - you can guess this by the searching mouth and smacking;
  • the diaper or wet diaper overflowed - the baby is uncomfortable;
  • a newborn needs a mother, her warmth, smell, cries from loneliness or boredom. This is especially true for children with problems with the nervous system;
  • the baby is crying because he is tired and wants to sleep;
  • the child is hot or cold.

How to understand the reason if the child is sick

One of the most common and unpleasant causes of baby crying is pain. In this situation, it is important to calm the baby, understand what hurts him, and be sure to show the baby to the doctor. Crying in pain has a connotation of suffering, not discontent. As a rule, it is even, incessant, with screams.

Main reasons:

  1. Colic. As a rule, intestinal colic disturbs very young children - up to 3-5 months. The pain begins suddenly - the baby pulls the legs to the tummy, knocks them, starts screaming. The attack can last from several minutes to several hours and ends abruptly. Often relief comes from passing gas or defecation. The peculiarity of such colic is that the child eats well and sleeps well outside of attacks, puts on weight, is kind and cheerful.
    HELP: You can help by applying a warm diaper to the tummy. It helps to massage the abdomen clockwise, bypassing the area of ​​​​the right hypochondrium, bringing the legs to the tummy and a warm bath with chamomile. If the pain in the tummy is accompanied by a decrease in appetite, a change in the stool and other unpleasant symptoms, see a doctor.
  2. Headache. Headache, or the so-called infantile migraine, usually occurs in newborns with perinatal encephalopathy syndrome (increased intracranial pressure, impaired muscle tone, excitability). Such babies cry in cloudy, windy or rainy weather, and pain can sometimes be accompanied by nausea and even vomiting. In this situation, medications prescribed by a neurologist will help.
    HELP: the main thing that you should do for the baby while crying is not to get annoyed. Even if you are tired and it is night outside, show tenderness, care and attention. Your gentle hands can soothe and help. Do not be angry with the baby, because if he cries, then he feels bad. Don't ignore this fact!
  3. Teething. For most, teething is accompanied by discomfort and even pain. As a result, the child may be naughty, cry, he may have a fever, loose stools may appear.
    HELP: silicone teethers or a fingertip with spines and tubercles will help, with which a mother can scratch the baby's gums. The pediatrician will recommend anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving gels that can be applied to the gums. In severe cases, drugs based on paracetamol or ibuprofen.
  4. Irritations. Children have very thin and sensitive skin, so diaper rash and irritation easily occur on it. This is what causes anxiety and crying. Diaper dermatitis is characterized by redness, peeling, swelling.
    HELP: With diaper dermatitis, attention must be paid to hygiene, using hypoallergenic soft products. The towel should be blotted, but not rubbed. Change diapers regularly, even if they are not completely filled - every three hours and after each bowel movement. When changing diapers, it is important to thoroughly clean the skin and arrange air baths, during which the baby lies naked.

How to calm a child: express massage for babies

Imagine: you can quickly calm the child and relieve pain with just one finger. What kind of parents would refuse this? Learn breast massage.

  1. Newborn not sleeping
    Gently massage the point clockwise:
    at the inner edge of the wrist fold of the child (located between the hand and forearm);
    in the center of the crown (you can just stroke the baby on the head);
    between the eyebrows;
    in the outer corner of the eye (on both sides at once).
  2. The child is excited, frightened, crying non-stop
    Work in a circular motion on a point in the center of the inner part of the chin: 9 times clockwise and counterclockwise (3-4 minutes).
    Slightly squeeze, knead and slightly stretch the middle fingers on each hand (for 2-3 minutes).
  3. The child has a stomachache
    Lightly press the point in the middle between the bottom of the sternum and the navel, rotating clockwise for 1-2 minutes.
    Also simultaneously massage the paired points 2 cm to the right and left of the baby's navel (2-3 minutes).

"On the handles!" - whim or need

A newborn baby constantly cries and calms down only in his arms? To feel mother's warmth, her smell, the beating of the heart means to be safe. Is it worth depriving a child of this feeling just because some advisers say: “You will spoil him!”, “You will carry him in your arms all your life” and similar nonsense?

The first 3 months after the baby is born is called the fourth trimester of pregnancy or the neonatal period. Physiologically, it is intended that the baby spend this period next to his mother, including in her arms. Do not deny a newborn baby this. Help him gently adapt to the world around him: new smells, sounds, pictures, sensations.

Toddlers who have not been denied the need to be held grow calmer and less naughty.

Another reason to cry

Yet often the main reason that a newborn baby cries and asks to be held is not “something hurts” or “just being naughty”. Most likely, at the moment it is vital for the child to be with mom or dad: he experiences uncertainty, fear, anxiety, or maybe he just wants to make sure: everything is in order, the world has not changed in those few minutes when he was alone in the crib. His parents are there and love him. This is a very important key point!

Recent studies show that in children who were carried from birth for a long time (as much as the baby needs) and with love, by 2 months the number of episodes of crying is reduced, babies sleep better at night, and eventually become calmer.

By the way, it is important not only to carry the baby on your hands, but also to ensure skin-to-skin contact - it has a healing effect! The baby's breathing and heartbeat stabilize, digestion improves, and the level of stress hormones decreases.

And of course, it is impossible to deny the baby the basic need to be closer to the parents! It's like saying: "We are not up to you now!"

How to properly hold a newborn

Parents, especially dads, are often afraid to approach the newborn and take him in his arms: what if they hurt him, break something?


  • Do not make jerky, sharp and rapid movements.
  • Do not pick up the crumbs with one hand - only with both at once!
  • Do not remove from the crib by pulling on the handles (especially one): this is dangerous.
  • When holding the baby in front of the chest, his legs should not hang down - spread them so that he grabs you from the sides.

The child lies on

  • backrest Grasp it under the back with both hands: thumbs in front, the rest - behind. Support the head with your middle and index fingers;
  • on the tummy Take the baby in the same way, only now your thumbs should lie on the back, and the rest under the chest. Support the head with free fingers under the chin.

There are many reasons why a baby cries.

Previously, our grandmothers, and possibly mothers, had a completely different attitude to the screaming and crying of the baby. Then the crying of a child was considered useful for the development of the respiratory system, in particular the lungs, and then they also did not see the need to immediately run to the sobbing baby at the first call.

However, now most children's specialists believe that a psychological motive lies in the crying of a child. So the child tells the mother that she needs her attention and help.

How to determine what exactly the baby is missing and find out the reason for prolonged crying?

Baby cries when something is missing

Understanding a baby's cry is an art that every mother should master. The ability to distinguish one intonation of sobs from another is very helpful in caring for a baby and quickly reduces children's tears to nothing.

The baby is hungry

If the baby starts acting up, he may just be hungry. You should not maintain the exact time between meals in such a situation. Take it in your arms and offer your chest. If the reason for crying is due to hunger, the baby will greedily suckle the breast until it quenches this unpleasant feeling.

The need for tactile contact

Children up to a year are very sensitive and closely connected with their mother. After all, for nine months you were one, and being in the aquatic environment the child felt safe. And here is a completely different world, where there is a lot of incomprehensible and frightening for the baby. And now the baby feels the need for warm mother's hugs, and crying informs about it. Take the baby, hug and caress. In the arms of the mother, the child feels protected and soon stops crying.

The child is bored and lonely

Being a mother on maternity leave means doing all the household chores. Almost every woman strives to cook and eat, clean the apartment, and wash all the dishes.

Some mothers are afraid to spoil the child, they try to leave him in the crib so as not to “accustom him to hands”. For some time, the baby can entertain himself on his own: look at the crib, a musical carousel, or sort out rattle toys. But after a while it all bothers and the child wants to see a mother who will pay attention to him. And what else, besides crying, can a baby attract attention?

The baby is worried about something, so he is naughty

In addition to the above reasons for children's crying, an infant may cry when something bothers him, feels a sense of discomfort. It could be:

  • fatigue;
  • reaction to cold or heat;
  • dirty diaper;
  • conflict atmosphere in the family.

Let's consider each reason separately:


If fatigue is the cause of crying, the child behaves very lethargically, may yawn, rub his eyes with his hands and at the same time cry. Such crying is easy to distinguish: it is interrupted, then it starts again. This often happens if you have moved away from the usual daily routine of the child. Take the baby in your arms, shake it, sing a lullaby - he will sleep and be cheerful and cheerful again.

Reaction to cold or heat

Sometimes the baby begins to act up when he feels discomfort from the weather. He may be cold if he is lightly dressed or does not move much. Try his nose, if it is cold, warm the baby and put on warmer clothes. If he is hot, take off his jacket, be sure to change his underwear if he sweats. Give a drink (and in hot weather, it is advisable to regularly offer the child water in order to prevent dehydration). Remember, overheating is no less dangerous than hypothermia.

Dirty diaper

Many babies feel uncomfortable in a dirty diaper. This can also lead to dissatisfaction. The solution is trite - it is necessary to change the means of hygiene. If the apartment is warm, do not immediately put on a new diaper, let the baby stay for 20 minutes without it. By the way, pediatricians advise changing diapers at least once every four hours. Naturally, if the baby pooped, it is not worth waiting for the expiration of this time.

Conflict in the family

Children are very sensitive to the emotional background of their parents, especially mothers.

If the mother is irritated, upset, or even screams, the child will definitely feel it and respond to such a state with her anxiety.

To calm your baby, you must first get your emotions in order. Only after that, take the baby in your arms, otherwise he will cry even more, seeing that mom is still in a bad mood.

Try to avoid conflict situations with a child, this has a detrimental effect on the child's psyche.

Crying as a sign of pain

If the baby feels pain, he will also cry. Unfortunately, the baby will not be able to point to the location of the pain, so parents will have to look for the cause of the pain on their own. And the reaction to pain in infants is always expressed in the same way: constant crying, nervousness, twitching of the legs.

A small child can be disturbed by a variety of symptoms from banal prickly heat to more serious diseases. The most common chest pains include:

  • colic;
  • diaper dermatitis;
  • teething.

With these unpleasant symptoms, almost every child under the age of one year meets at least once. Now let's talk about each pain syndrome:


Almost all babies under three months of age have colic. The fact is that the digestion of a newborn is still poorly developed, and the intestines are considered immature. Colic occurs in both breastfed babies and artificial babies. Moreover, the latter suffer from them much more often. Babies also experience colic if the nursing mother allowed sour, pickled or soaked. These foods can cause fermentation, which can cause this disease. But if it really happened, give the child a massage, press the legs to the tummy or put a warm diaper on. If this does not help, give the baby an anti-colic agent (infacol, espumizan and other analogues).

Diaper dermatitis

If you change your baby's diapers infrequently, or perhaps they just don't fit (for size, quality, and other reasons), this can lead to redness and irritation of the baby's delicate and sensitive skin. Remove the diaper, wash the baby and use any medical remedy to combat diaper dermatitis (Bepanten, Desyatin or salicylic-zinc paste).

You can organize a bath with a decoction of string or chamomile - they perfectly relieve irritation and soothe.

Painful teething

This is also very unpleasant sensations for the child. Although all children endure this event in different ways.

For some, teeth erupt imperceptibly and without whims, for others it is excruciating suffering. As a rule, the child is very excited, screams and cries non-stop - the gums are very baked. The temperature may rise. Here you can try to smear the gums with a special gel intended for babies who are teething.

If the baby cries a lot, give him painkillers (you can give funds with ibuprofen or paracetamol in the composition). In a more relaxed environment, offer him a chilled teether or cracker.

These are the most common pain phenomena that occur in children up to a year. If you have a newborn, it is better to prepare a first-aid kit for children in advance, because pain can occur quite suddenly, including at night.

Unfortunately, sometimes babies meet with more serious diseases, and if he has been crying non-stop for quite some time and he has a fever, call a doctor.

Crying and hysteria as a way of manipulation

Probably many parents noticed how their child reacts to the ban. When mom or dad forbids a child to take some items, he starts to cry. This is the cry of a desperate child: after all, he so wanted to play, for example, with the TV remote control or your mobile phone, but suddenly it’s impossible. The child cries with annoyance, and if you give him the desired object, he calms down.

Next time, history may repeat itself, but crying will no longer be the reason for your refusal, as a method to get your plan (last time it worked!). Fulfilling the constant whims of children, it is very easy to spoil the child. It is necessary to clearly distinguish between what is possible and what is not. The kid must understand that it is absolutely impossible to take some things and it’s just impossible to cry.

  • organize a bath with soothing herbs;
  • pick up and caress.
  • Never, under any circumstances, go on screaming - this will only frighten the baby even more. Do not be afraid to show your love to the baby - it is impossible to spoil the baby, showing care and attention.

    And yet, how to understand why a baby is crying? Maybe he got a little sick? Hungry? Does he suffer from colic? There are many options for potential negative factors, it remains only to understand the true cause and find an effective “cure”.

    But it is precisely with the establishment of the true culprit that problems arise, since inexperienced parents are only learning to understand their baby. However, you can understand what a child's crying is about if you carefully monitor the reactions of a tiny little man.

    A little about baby crying

    The cries of a newborn baby are the first sound signal after birth. The baby in this way resists separation from the mother, protests against the change of habitat and announces to the whole world about his birth.

    Such reactions can be found in many mammals, especially in baby monkeys. Previously, in general, according to the first cries of a newborn, his viability was judged. If the baby screams loudly, then he is healthy, but if he screams weakly and sluggishly, therefore, there are some violations.

    Usually, a newborn baby cries quite often, and if at first the parents do not understand the source of the cries, then they begin to distinguish between different reasons for the duration, frequency, intensity, volume and other characteristics of crying.

    Do not react to the crying of the baby, as a catastrophic event. On the contrary, it is necessary to listen to the child every time, trying to identify the source of anxiety and eliminate it.

    The causes of crying in a newborn are multifaceted and can be the following features and factors:

    • colic and discomfort in the tummy;
    • hunger;
    • wet diapers;
    • low or indoor;
    • desire to sleep;
    • boredom;
    • discomfort in bed
    • fear;
    • health problems.

    And these are just some of the possible reasons for children's discontent. Having learned to understand why the child screams during the day, parents will be able to quickly solve problems that arise or contact doctors if the situation is really serious.

    Consider the main reasons for the crying of a small child in more detail.

    If you ask an experienced pediatrician why a newborn is crying, then in most cases the answer will be something like this: the baby is hungry.

    The ventricle of a newborn baby is very small, so babies are often fed, but with a small amount of milk or formula. But since lactation is only getting better, in one of the feedings, the baby can get a smaller amount of food, which is signaled by crying.

    If a newborn baby cries a lot, the mother, first of all, needs to check if he wants to “eat”. To do this, bend the little finger and touch it to the corner of the child's mouth. If the baby turns his head towards the stimulus and opens his mouth, then the crying was provoked by hunger.

    It remains for the mother to attach the baby to the breast for feeding or offer a bottle of freshly prepared formula. Usually, immediately after receiving the coveted food, the screams begin to subside, and loud crying is replaced by quiet sobs, which gradually disappear.

    “Hungry” crying is distinguished by loudness, length, intensity, the baby seems to be choking. If the child has only recently become hungry, then the cries will be invocative.

    If the child cries constantly, you need to track the dynamics of the set of kilograms and the volume of milk from the mother. It is very likely that the baby cannot eat and this situation requires an increase in the amount of milk or.

    It is best to consult with a specialist.

    An artificial child, by the way, may cry not from a lack of food, but from thirst. Mothers, especially in hot weather, need to keep a bottle of clean drinking water near them.

    Feeding problems

    If a newborn is naughty and cries directly during or after eating, it can be concluded that there are certain problems that prevent normal feeding. Here are just a few of them:

    1. Stuffy nose. The baby may begin to suckle milk or formula, but then brushes off the breast or bottle. At the same time, snoring or sniffing of the nose is heard. With a runny nose and congestion, clean the nose with an aspirator, rinse with saline and instill the agent recommended by the doctor.
    2. The child choked. If the baby's crying during feeding is short and does not repeat anymore, and the baby clears his throat, then he probably just swallowed a lot of milk. It is enough to wait a little, and then resume feeding.
    3. Ear infection. If by all indications the child is hungry, but at the first sips leaves the chest and starts screaming loudly, he may have otitis media. In this case, swallowing only increases the discomfort. You need to see a doctor who will prescribe nasal and ear drops.
    4. Thrush. When the oral cavity is affected by a fungus from the genus Candida, a whitish coating appears in the child, and when milk gets on the tongue, a burning sensation occurs. To prevent the baby from crying and not refusing to eat, you should visit a doctor who will recommend the right method of treatment.
    5. Bad taste from milk. If a hungry child turns away from the food source and continues to cry, he may not like the taste of milk. The use of flavored products changes the indicators of milk: spices, hot spices, garlic sauce or onions. They should be avoided in HB.
    6. Air entering the digestive tract. If, immediately after eating, the baby begins to whimper and pull his legs up to his tummy, he may have swallowed a lot of air. It is enough to put the crumbs as a "soldier" so that excess oxygen comes out.

    If the newborn is constantly crying during feeding, you need to consult a specialist to rule out serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

    A common cause of crying in a newborn baby is colic, which is a spastic reaction localized in the tummy. Their occurrence is caused by the imperfection of the children's digestive system, which is manifested by the stretching of the intestinal walls with gas bubbles.

    Children's crying in this case is loud, piercing, and can last for a long time with short pauses. A parent can guess about colic on signs such as:

    • flushed face;
    • pressing the lower limbs to the stomach with their further sharp stretching;
    • hardened abdomen;
    • clenching fists.

    Of course, the problem of colic will disappear by itself at 4 months of age, when the digestive tract "ripens". However, simply waiting for this blessed time would be foolish. Necessary . How? For example, can:

    • stroke the diaper and lay it warm on the baby's stomach;
    • make a light massage of the umbilical region;
    • put the baby on your stomach;
    • do the exercise "bike";
    • give the crumbs to drink dill water or a medicine prescribed by a doctor, etc.

    The child does not cry after the manipulations? So you did everything right. Very soon, the unpleasant symptoms of colic will disappear, and children's anxiety will be replaced by joyful activity.

    physical discomfort

    If hunger and colic disappear, the mother may assume that the newborn baby is crying due to discomfort caused by uncomfortable underwear, improperly selected temperature conditions, or, most often, a wet or dirty diaper.

    Let's take a closer look underlying causes for physical discomfort and methods for their elimination:

    1. The child described himself. If the baby cries, fidgets, trying not to touch the wet thing, you need to see if he did his “wet deeds” in a diaper or diaper. The solution to the problem is very simple - just change clothes and underwear, wipe the baby's skin with a napkin.
    2. The baby is uncomfortable in clothes. If the baby screams with displeasure immediately after dressing or changing the diaper, the mother may conclude that he does not like the clothes. Perhaps the seams, threads, buttons dug into the body, synthetics cause itching, or the material of the diaper is quite hard. The baby is just dressed up.
    3. The baby is uncomfortable in the crib or stroller. A whimpering newborn may be unhappy with the posture. In this case, he begins to cry, waving his limbs, trying to change his position. The way out is to shift the child into a more comfortable position for him.
    4. The baby is cold or snoring. If the child is constantly whimpering, sobbing, his skin is reddened and hot, then he is too hot. With crying and pallor of the skin, on the contrary, they conclude that the baby is hypothermic. Parents need to change his clothes, based on the temperature in the room.

    How to understand a newborn who is experiencing physical discomfort? It is enough to show elementary attentiveness and track the reactions of your child.

    Painful conditions

    If the mother does not know why the newborn is crying, he has disturbing symptoms, the doctor will help answer all the questions. You should seek medical attention if:

    • children's crying is monotonous and monotonous;
    • the child is too lethargic, inactive;
    • body temperature is elevated.

    If the child cries all the time, and it is not possible to establish the source of the cries, it is better not to hesitate and call the doctor. What else should parents know? Ways to help with some painful conditions are presented in the table.

    State Peculiarities The nature of crying Other signs Ways to help
    Headache This condition often occurs in children with perinatal encephalopathy. The catalyst for pain is a change in the weather (rain, wind).The child is constantly crying, screaming loudly and angrily.

    • anxiety;

    • bad sleep;

    • nausea and vomiting;

    • diarrhea.
    Self-medication is excluded. You should immediately contact a pediatrician and a neurologist.
    Diaper dermatitis Urine and feces irritate the skin, resulting in diaper rash and pain.The newborn cries loudly, the cries intensify when the mother changes the diaper or diaper.

    • rash and hyperemia in the buttocks and perineum;

    • baby's irritability.
    The question of what to do is obvious. It is necessary to regularly change hygiene devices, wipe the skin. In case of severe diaper rash, you should consult a doctor.
    cutting teeth Climbing out incisors usually occurs at 4-6 months of age.The child cries loudly, while sipping fists or any other objects in his mouth.

    • increased separation of saliva;

    • heat;

    • sometimes diarrhea;

    • gum swelling.
    If a baby is teething, a teether should be purchased for him. The doctor may recommend a special anesthetic gel for the gums.

    Discomfort of psychological origin is another answer to the question of why the baby is crying. The child may overwork, miss his mother or be afraid of a loud sound.

    The baby is able to cry if he needs to attract parental attention. In this case, he screams invitingly for a few seconds and waits for his mother to come up. If the adult does not respond, then after a short interval the cry is repeated.

    Some experts do not recommend immediately grabbing the child in the arms to calm him down. So that the baby does not grow up "tame", it is better to iron it directly in the crib. Most likely, he will quickly calm down as soon as he hears his mother's voice.

    The baby may cry in protest. For example, if a newborn does not like something, then he will begin to scream sharply and loudly at the top of his lungs. Most often, children can be disturbed by dressing, cutting their nails, cleaning their ears.

    A capricious newborn is an almost impossible phenomenon, since such small children cry for objective reasons. So, tears and discontent provoke increased activity during the day, communication with strangers, an excessively rich day for emotions and events.

    If a newborn often cries in the evening, most likely he is overworked. Help relieve fatigue:

    • quiet entertainment;
    • airing the room and humidifying the air;
    • wiggle;
    • lullaby;
    • bedding;

    It is quite possible to prevent the crying and cries of the baby if you follow a certain sequence of steps in the evening. For example, you can bathe, feed, put the baby to bed, then turn off the light and sing your favorite lullaby. This whole ritual will speed up falling asleep.

    Other reasons why the baby is crying

    In addition to the main factors, there are other reasons why newborns cry. The child may cry during bathing, urination, defecation, falling asleep and waking up. And almost every cry experts find a logical explanation.

    Crying while urinating

    Some mothers and fathers note that newborns cry during urination, as a result of which they are frightened. Usually, this phenomenon occurs in healthy children, but in some cases it may indicate certain health problems.

    The most common reason that the baby screams and is naughty when going to the toilet “in a small way” is the fear of what is happening. A healthy child simply does not understand the process of urination and cannot relax, and therefore begins to cry.

    However, in some situations, tears and children's cries can be caused by painful sensations in diseases. So, the catalyst for an unfavorable process is:

    • urinary tract infections;
    • incorrect location of the foreskin, which is manifested by congestion, suppuration, burning.

    If the child constantly cries while urinating, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician who will offer to pass certain tests.

    Crying during bowel movements

    If newborns whimper when going to the bathroom "in a big way", then most likely they have difficulty with bowel movements. With the adaptation of the digestive tract, almost every child goes through the stage of colic and even.

    With children's tears during defecation, you need to pay attention to the features of feces, and also remember what the child ate over the past few days.

    The main factors in the occurrence of crying and screaming in newborns during bowel movements are:

    • that arise due to the transition to artificial feeding or a change in the mixture;
    • intestinal colic;
    • inflammatory bowel disease.

    If a child regularly cries during bowel movements, and there are bloody or mucous discharges, incomprehensible inclusions in his feces, be sure to make an appointment with a pediatrician.

    Crying in a dream

    Many parents notice that a newborn baby screams in their sleep. First of all, you should examine the crib and the position in which the baby rests in order to exclude physical discomfort as a cause.

  • any disease;
  • hunger;
  • nightmare;
  • detection of mother's absence.
  • Many experts do not recommend waiting for the child to finally wake up, otherwise then he simply will not want to sleep. It is best to stroke the baby, shake a little. If the crying does not stop, then you can pick it up and shake it a little.

    Crying while bathing

    Another question that worries parents is why the child cries while bathing. The causes of tears during water procedures are many-sided. Allocate Some of the main factors that affect the behavior of the child during bathing:

    1. Uncomfortable water temperature. The baby may react negatively to excessively cold or hot water. It also affects the well-being and temperature of the bathroom. Before swimming, it is important to make sure that the water and air temperature are optimal.
    2. Bathtub too big. Some children are afraid of large volumes of an adult bath. In this case, experts advise wrapping the child in a diaper before lowering into the water. It reduces psychological stress.
    3. Fear of swimming. Negative emotions arise due to the penetration of soap foam into the eyes, water entering the mouth or ears. The child in such a situation in every possible way prevents the water procedure.
    4. Uncomfortable position. Many mothers are afraid of harming the child, so they hold him too tightly. This leads to the fact that newborns begin to express dissatisfaction and protest during bathing.
    5. related factors. The feeling of hunger, as well as colic, can worsen children's mood. To understand what exactly became the cause of discontent, the signs that we have already mentioned above will help. In order for water procedures to go smoothly, you need to get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

    Some neurological problems are also accompanied by a reluctance to bathe. However, crying and screaming can also occur during sleep or eating. In this case, it is important to contact a neurologist for a comprehensive examination.

    Every mother is able to find an approach to her own child if she carefully observes him. Let at first, children's crying seems always the same to parents, but then, as communication is established, literally every squeak will be filled with its own special meaning.

    The tears of a baby can cause panic in a young mother. I remember very well the feeling when the baby screams, and you rush around, not understanding what's going on.

    Meanwhile, in the vast majority of cases, it is very easy to determine why a newborn is crying, following certain rules. The reasons for dissatisfaction with the crumbs, as a rule, are limited. We’ll talk about them today, and also learn how to recognize and eliminate them.

    Experienced pediatricians distinguish 3 groups of causes of crying in a child:

    1. Instinct. A newborn alone is not viable. Therefore, nature endowed him with the ability to call for help when he feels alone, just to feel the warmth of a big and strong adult and make sure he is safe.
    2. Unsatisfied natural needs (I want to drink, eat, pee, poop, sleep).
    3. Discomfort or pain (diaper rubbed, wet, diaper rash hurts, tummy hurts).

    The baby cannot say about all of the above in words, because his only way to communicate with you is screaming and crying.

    Accordingly, if the baby is crying, this does not mean that something terrible happened immediately. And all that is required of you is to begin to understand what is the reason for tears.

    How to understand why crying

    1. Hold the crying baby in your arms. Calmed down? So, nothing bad happened. Because the pain and discomfort do not go away by themselves from the fact that the baby was picked up. Most likely, the reason for the tears was that the baby missed you, lost you, and generally wanted attention.
    2. You took the baby in your arms, but he did not stop crying? Check the diaper, if it's full, change it. Think about how long the baby drank and ate, if more than 2 hours have passed, offer water, breast or formula.
    3. Did the crying stop? We are looking for the causes of discomfort or pain.

    A separate topic is the capriciousness of a child due to an illness, read about how to recognize this.


    Consider if the baby is hot. In infants, the metabolism is much faster than in adults, so the baby's body produces more heat per unit time. We add here the imperfection of the perspiration system, and we get that it is very, very easy to overheat the baby.

    The air temperature in the room where the newborn is located, above 22 degrees for the baby, is dangerous for overheating. At the same time, one layer of cotton clothing is more than enough.

    Taking into account the characteristics of the child's body, it is impossible in principle to supercool the child if the room is above 16 degrees.

    And how do most of our families live? When it's plus 28 in the apartment in winter, a crib is closer to the radiator, an additional heater, a poor child has a lot of clothes: a shirt, sliders, a hat, socks, a jacket. As I imagine, I already want to cry!

    It is especially painful in such conditions to sleep at night, therefore, most likely, the little one does not sleep at night, but screams.

    It is overheating that is dangerous because when you find its obvious signs (red moist skin, wet head, diaper rash), this is already an extreme situation, indicating that the baby has lost a huge amount of fluid and salts, and there is a real threat of dehydration.

    In such a situation, against the background of fluid loss by the body, intestinal juices become thick, viscous, and are not able to digest the food eaten with high quality.

    tummy hurts

    Therefore, we are gradually approaching the next reason for children's crying: the tummy hurts, gaziki, colic.

    The main causes of tummy problems are overheating and overfeeding, that is, eating at every squeak, every 30 minutes or more.

    As you already understood, without eliminating the causes of this trouble, you will not deal with the consequences (scream and cry).

    Offering food is definitely not earlier than 2 hours after the last meal.

    When a peanut has a stomach ache, he can cry all the time, all the time: during the day, and in the evening, and at night. How can you help him right now?

    As a temporary measure for gas and colic, you can try:

    1. Massage the tummy of the baby clockwise.
    2. Special children's medicines with simethicone (commercial names Espumizan baby, Subsimplex, Bobotik). Before use, of course, you should consult a pediatrician. Simethicone itself is interesting in that it is not absorbed into the body, but reacts exclusively with gases in the intestines, binding them and eliminating them. Thus, it is safe for the baby.

    Crying while bathing

    When a previously calm child begins to scream at the moment of immersion in water, or while being in water, we should stand in his place and think about what is wrong.

    Water temperature? The optimal temperature for babies is about 34 degrees Celsius. Moreover, if the baby bathes in a large bath and actively moves, then even this temperature is high for him.

    Therefore, if you stuffed a newborn into 37-38 degrees, the reason for the discomfort is quite obvious - too hot!

    Pay attention to lighting. It often happens that the baby lies on its back, and the lamp shines directly into its eyes, blinding and frightening. It may be worth dimming the lights to eliminate this cause of concern.

    Before urinating

    A fairly common problem in boys is inflammation of the foreskin. You can recognize it just by the fact that before peeing the child screams heart-rendingly, after which he urinates and calms down.

    Before the arrival of the doctor, you can try to alleviate the condition of the crumbs by the following actions:

    1. Wash the baby with a solution of furacilin or chlorhexidine (up to 4 times a day).
    2. After that, slightly pull up the foreskin and carefully drip inside from a clean pipette or syringe (without a needle) about three drops of a sterile oil solution of vitamin A or E (sold in ampoules in pharmacies).

    If, however, the baby does not calm down even after peeing, if he cannot pee in principle, if something is swollen or blue, a surgeon is urgently needed, do not torture the little one with self-medication, but hurry to the doctor!

    How to behave when the baby screams and screams, and you feel that you are about to explode? Pull yourself together. Take your baby to a crib or playpen where he can't hurt himself, hit or fall, close the door and exhale.

    If possible, go to the farthest room, where it is as quiet as possible. Take a shower, drink a large cozy mug of tea with lemon balm or chamomile. Take a 15 minute break and try to relax. Even such a short respite can restore emotional balance and restore a sober mind.

    In the end, the baby will either fall asleep during this time, or you will hug him with renewed vigor, after which he will instantly calm down.

    Time flies mercilessly fast. And, looking back one day, you will be surprised when and how from a crying lump hanging on his mother around the clock, the baby managed to turn into an independent teenager with his own personal space and kisses only on holidays.

    Therefore, appreciate these moments - priceless moments of happiness with the baby - when he is here, at arm's length, eats, plays, and even when he cries.

    By the way, modern pediatricians recommend hanging special carousels on the cribs of babies older than 1 month. Looking at this device, the baby learns to concentrate, strain and train the eye muscles and focus on the subject, which is very important for timely development in all respects. In addition, the little one quickly calms down, interested in such a toy, and can look at it for a long time, giving mom invaluable minutes. I bought this mobile MyToys. Large selection, good prices, cheap delivery. So get armed!

    VK https://vk.com/babylifestyle

    All children cry. And if in big children it is not difficult to find out and understand the reasons for crying, then it is not so easy to understand why a newborn baby cries. After all, the usual ways of communication for us are still inaccessible to the crumbs, and he is also unable to cope with his own, even minor troubles on his own.

    The main reasons for crying

    The main reasons for the crying of a newborn baby are associated with the most important needs and problems for him: hunger, pain, fear, thirst, discomfort, hypothermia or overheating, overwork, desire to communicate.

    At first, it is not easy for parents to understand why their little child is crying. But, communicating with him daily, the mother begins to distinguish between the types of children's crying by intonation, volume and duration.

    How to understand the reason

    The most powerful irritants for any person are hunger, pain and fear . Therefore, we will hear the loudest and most hysterical cry in a newborn in these situations.

    1. Crying when hungry will be loud, drawn out, its intensity gradually increases and turns into a choking cry. If the child is just beginning to experience a feeling of hunger, then crying will be invocative. Tip for new mothers: if the baby is hungry, he will begin to look for the breast as soon as he is in your arms.
    2. Crying in pain , as a rule, plaintive, its intensity does not change, only sometimes notes of despair appear. If the pain arose suddenly, then the crying will immediately be loud and boisterous.
    3. Crying due to fear , starts suddenly, it is loud, sometimes hysterical. It may stop just as suddenly.

    Parents should respond to such crying immediately and not wait until the child calms down on his own. In other cases, the screams will first be invocative, and then, if the baby is still uncomfortable, certain features will appear.

    invocative cry - this is an attempt by the crumbs to declare their problems. It is quiet and short, repeated at short intervals. The baby screams for a few seconds and then waits for your reaction. If there is no answer to the “request to come up”, then the crying is repeated, with each repetition the cry will be louder.

    Why does a child cry if nothing hurts him and he is not hungry?

    1. If the child is uncomfortable with wet diapers, then the crying will be whimpering, and the baby himself will fidget, trying to move from a wet place. If a child has an overflowing diaper, then he will show signs of discontent on his hands.
    2. If the child is cold, then crying will gradually turn into hiccups with sobs. The baby's skin is pale and cool to the touch.
    3. If the child is overheated, then crying is accompanied by reddening of the face, the baby makes waves of legs and arms, his skin is hot.
    4. When overtired, the baby begins to act up, cries at any attempt to entertain him, but calms down when motion sickness.
    5. If you need to communicate or contact with your mother, the baby cries invitingly and calms down when he hears approaching steps.

    Knowing the main causes of crying, it will not be difficult to calm the child. It is enough to eliminate the cause: feed the hungry, rock the sleepy one, change the diaper or clothes if necessary (if the baby is overheated or cold). Difficulties can be delivered by crying because of pain, because it is not always possible to immediately eliminate its cause. But here the main thing is to be patient and behave calmly.

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    Other situations

    Children sometimes begin to cry when bathing, feeding, and even in their sleep. There are many reasons for such cries.

    Baby crying while bathing

    • Cold or hot water - before bathing, the temperature of the water must be checked with an “elbow” or a thermometer, it should be 36-37 degrees C. (Article: child);
    • This procedure scares the baby - try to talk about each action in a calm tone while bathing and distract the child, any of your actions should be gentle and smooth (Article: the child is afraid to swim:);
    • You behave insecurely, your fear is transmitted to the child - stop being afraid yourself and invite someone to help you bathe;
    • There are areas of inflammation on the child’s body (diaper rash, mosquito bites, scratching) - try to prevent the appearance of wounds;
    • Add to baby bath water.

    Crying while feeding

    • During feeding, the baby feels pain. This happens when the mucous membrane of the oral cavity becomes inflamed. (stomatitis,), with infections (inflammation of the throat, ears), with, swallowing a large amount;
    • The kid doesn't like the taste. Milk changes with the abuse of strong-smelling foods or foods with a sharp taste (what). Particles of rancid milk may remain on the surface of the nipple, so the breast must be washed before feeding. The product that treats the breast before feeding has an unpleasant taste and smell for the baby. ()

    Why does he cry in his sleep

    • I wanted to eat;
    • I had a terrible dream;
    • Lies in an uncomfortable position;
    • Experiencing pain;
    • I felt that my mother was not around.

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    In addition, children sometimes cry when urinating or having a bowel movement. Such cries may indicate inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract or. The reason for this behavior of the child must be clarified together with the pediatrician.

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