New Year's crafts on a street tree. Ideas for Christmas toys for a street tree. Video on how to make a Christmas tree toy from beads

In this article, we will tell you how to make do-it-yourself Christmas decorations for a street Christmas tree using available items. Everything ordinary can be turned into something beautiful and magical.
Decorations for the New Year's beauty are not made from anything: polystyrene, cardboard, cones, pieces of wood and even bottles with light bulbs are used. And every piece is unique in its own way. Look at the photo. These balls are handmade from styrofoam.

It is important to know one important detail. Under New Year the weather is not always good, it rains often. Therefore, your crafts should not have something that is washed off or soaked. When the tree is in the house, use whatever you want there.

styrofoam crafts

The material is easy to process and by itself. It will not split, break or hit anyone if it suddenly falls off a branch. Do-it-yourself Christmas toys made of polystyrene foam can be made in any form and in many ways.

Getting ready for work

We need materials and tools:

  • Styrofoam;
  • soldering iron;
  • paints;
  • sequins;
  • needle and thread;
  • glue;
  • sandpaper.

Keep in mind that you are making decorations for a street tree, so the paint glue must be resistant to water and frost.

With a knife, we will process a foam blank. The knife should have a thin, sharp blade because the cut should not be too rough. The same applies to the emery skin, choose "zero". Sandpaper will be needed for final processing: we will remove irregularities (burrs, extra tubercles) with it. With the help of paints, we will color our craft, and then lightly cover it with sparkles. We will make a hole with a needle, and send a thread from which a loop will turn out.

Choose strong threads, as a strong wind can easily rip off the decoration!

With a soldering iron, if desired, you can apply recesses in the form of patterns. Glue will be needed if you want to attach, for example, a beautiful ribbon bow to the toy.

Observe safety precautions when working with a soldering iron! When processing foam with this device, poisonous smoke will be released that can cause cancer. Keep this in mind, work in a well ventilated area. It is advisable to use a mask or respirator to protect the respiratory system.

Making beautiful balls

It is best to make Christmas decorations from foam balls with your own hands. They are very common in craft stores. This option is offered because you can’t make a ball out of ordinary foam wrappers. We will need large balls, as we will hang them on a street tree. The bigger the tree, the bigger and brighter the toy!

So, take a clean foam ball and prepare a flat foam pad. We paint it in any color with resistant indelible paint. In order not to get your hands dirty and not to smear the paint from the ball with your fingers, use two toothpicks and stick them into the ball, as shown in the photo. You can paint with a brush or spray can. We stick toothpicks with a ball into the stand and wait for it to dry.

After the ball is dry, you can paint patterns with other paint or glue something beautiful on it. You can apply patterns with the tip of a soldering iron tip, for example, in the form of snakes. Here, play out your imagination. Then take a needle with a thread in the eye and pierce the part of the ball that you think is the top.
The figure shows exactly how to pierce the toy.

Many people use paper clips as a suspension, simply sticking them into the ball, and then tying the thread. In our case, this option will not work: a strong wind will calmly tear the ball off the suspension. The simpler the design, the more reliable it is!

We tie both ends of the thread into a knot, and hide the knot itself. The finished craft will look like a store-bought plastic Christmas tree ball.

Styrofoam figurines

Styrofoam Christmas decorations can also be made flat, in the form of various figures. You will need foam boards. First, with a pen or felt-tip pen, we make a drawing on the foam. Then carefully start cutting. Rough surfaces need to be sanded with sandpaper, otherwise the craft will not look so beautiful.

For example, we want to do beautiful snowflake. We draw it on the foam, then we begin to cut out the internal places.

Always start by cutting out the interior. This is much more convenient, and the risk of breakage of the toy is significantly reduced.

Now we start cutting out the snowflake itself from the foam sheet. It will look beautiful and without painting. It is better, of course, to paint it in silver, gold or metallic blue. A hole must be made from the upper ends so that the snowflake on the Christmas tree is turned with its front part to the viewer. If you pierce directly on the plane, then the snowflake in limbo will turn to us with an edge.

Do not limit yourself to flat figures. Cut out voluminous crafts in the form of bells, birds, Christmas trees and so on.
By the way, such Christmas toys can be made from foam balls. For example, a snowman.
You will need balls of different sizes. One is big, another is smaller, and the third is even smaller. Glue them together carefully with strong glue. You don’t need to paint such a craft, because the snowman should be white anyway. Use indelible markers to draw his mouth, eyes, nose and buttons. You can make him a little hat.

Amazing snowflake - video

From plastic bottles

There are a lot of options, both simple and complex. Plastic Christmas decorations are perfect for a street New Year's beauty. They also do not get wet, have a small mass and are easy to manufacture.

Only large bottles, 1.5 or 2 liters, will do. Toys from small bottles will be poorly visible on a street tree.

Let's make a Christmas tree toy with our own hands plastic bottle, which will carry the function of a bird feeder. We will need supplies:

  • 2 liter plastic bottle;
  • scissors and awl;
  • paints;
  • strong nylon thread;
  • tinsel, ribbons, etc.

In this option, it is a large bottle that is suitable so that the birds have room to eat in it.

We take the bottle and begin to paint it in any bright color, along with the cap. Spray painting doesn't take long. We are waiting for the paint to dry. We decorate the bottle with ribbons, for example, we knit a bow and fasten it with glue. You can also use stickers. Then we cut out a small round window (diameter 8 cm) in the wall of the bottle so that it is as close as possible to the bottom. The photo shows interesting variants of feeder bottles, where the upper parts are made in the form of a roof.

First you need to paint the bottle, wait for it to dry, and only then cut out a window for the bird. The paint should not get where the food will lie. An animal can inadvertently swallow a piece of dry paint and get poisoned.

Now unscrew the cork and punch a small hole in it. Take a thread and make a loop. It is better to make the knot large (tie several times). We put the end of the loop so that the knot rests on the bottom of the lid. A simple and useful feeder toy is ready. We hang it on the Christmas tree, pour food and admire the birds.

Flashlight bottle and delicate bells

A very simple option, familiar to everyone since childhood. Such Christmas decorations from plastic bottles are also easy to manufacture and process. We will need everything the same as for the feeder. Only now we will cut vertical stripes on the walls.

For this procedure, a sharp thin knife or scalpel is perfect. It is better not to use a razor blade, as they can easily get hurt.

We cut the strips, the gap between them should be approximately 5 mm. The length of each strip is 15-20 cm, depending on the size of the bottle. Now we need to squeeze the bottle so that all the strips bend in different directions. Let's start painting and decorating. Something bright and shiny can be put into the inner cavity of our flashlight.

A plastic bottle and disposable teaspoons will make a wonderful Santa Claus.

A white bottle will make a unique snowflake.

Green bottles will be the basis for the Christmas wreath.

A little patience and more bottles will turn into a big snowman after a while.

Do-it-yourself disco ball for a street Christmas tree - video

New Year is the favorite holiday of our compatriots. Both adults and children are waiting for something mysterious, fabulous and very desirable on this magical night, but Santa Claus brings gifts and puts them only under very beautiful Christmas trees.

You can choose and buy Christmas decorations at numerous New Year's fairs, but handmade products bring great joy.

DIY Christmas tree toys

From what just do not make toys for the Christmas tree. You may find it useful:

  • old postcards;
  • colored paper;
  • cardboard;
  • foil;
  • ribbons;
  • beads;
  • beads;
  • Knitting;
  • paints, pencils, markers.

And most importantly, you have all this at home, and there is no need to run to the store and spend a lot of money.

paper toys

Christmas paper decorations can be made by both adults and children. Put a little imagination and you will surely succeed. First, sketch out a sketch and decide what it will be:

  • big toys or small ones;
  • round, square, rectangular;
  • bears, bunnies, chanterelles, famous snowflakes;
  • boots for gifts, chests, bells?

It is not at all necessary to make huge balls, you can make small neat balls from postcards, for example, as in the next photo.

Let's see how to make Christmas decorations from other materials?

Knitted toys for the Christmas tree

Fabulous weaving with a thin thread and crochet allows you to make magical angels, horses, snowflakes, hearts that look very impressive. Knitted toys bring unusual warmth to the house and your family and friends will definitely like it.

Christmas toys made of fabric

To make fabric toys, you can use any shreds, preferably bright ones. Add some buttons, beads or beads.

Do not be afraid to experiment and you will have the most beautiful and unusual jewelry.

Soft toys for the Christmas tree

As practice has shown, do-it-yourself soft toys are most liked by children. They are happy to take part in their manufacture, because with such products you can decorate not only the Christmas tree, but also the window, wall, door, which means that you can always take them off and play a little. The main thing is that your baby will not break the toy and will not get hurt by the glass.

Photo 12 - Homemade paper and cellophane garland

Simple materials, ordinary ribbons, buttons, and what a beauty. And, of course, not a single Christmas tree is complete without Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Christmas tree toy - "ball"

Balls can be made from any material. Consider a paper sample. To make these balls you will need:

  • glue;
  • stapler;
  • wire;
  • colored paper in four colors.

Photo 14 - Homemade toys from paper and photographs

Take a small saucer or glass and circle it on colored paper with a pencil. Then cut out 4 circles of each color. The larger the circles, the larger the ball will be. Balls of the same color, but of different sizes, look very original on the Christmas tree. Ready mugs must be bent in half.

Between themselves, the parts are fastened with wire. Then straighten and each circle is glued to the neighboring one in the upper and lower parts.

IMPORTANT! The ball toy is still the most common on the New Year tree, so there are a huge number of options for its manufacture.

Christmas decorations from beads

To do beautiful toy from beads, you will need angelic patience, because the material is small and labor is laborious, but the result is worth it.

Wooden toys for the Christmas tree

If you think that an original toy cannot be made from wood, then you are greatly mistaken.

Glass Christmas decorations

Photo 19 - Homemade felt toys: gnomes

Of course, we will not blow the glass ourselves, but many may still have old toys from which the paint has peeled off. They can be cleaned and decorated from the inside.

Photo 20 - Homemade toys made of felt and beads: Christmas trees for the holiday

Christmas decorations from cones

Nature itself gives us ready-made material, which only needs to be decorated a little. The most beautiful and most New Year's toys are obtained from cones, because even a child knows that cones grow on a Christmas tree.

DIY Christmas tree toys: master class

We invite you to watch the video step by step instructions production of soft toys for the Christmas tree.

New Year's toys on a street Christmas tree with your own hands

Europe has been decorating Christmas trees on the street for a long time. These can be forest beauties growing in the yard, which no one will cut down so that they stand in the room for several days. Recently, in our country, more and more often you can see beautifully decorated street Christmas trees.

Of course, toys for such a Christmas tree will be slightly different, but you can make them yourself. For example, the most unusual and original toys can be made from ice. Photo 27 - Homemade cone toys

Make any shape, freeze right on the street, you can add multi-colored dyes, and your street beauty will shimmer in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow. Then you do not need to clean anything, the toys will melt themselves. On the big Christmas tree voluminous homemade toys are suitable.

Photo 30 - Homemade toys made of ice and berries

Natalia M

Christmas tree toy for the city Christmas tree.

For this work, we need the following materials:

Cocktail sticks made of thick cardboard;

Glue gun;

Rectangles cut from plastic panels;

Narrow brocade ribbon - 0.5 mm;

Decorative glue with glitter;

Knife for cutting paper;


Plastic beads for eyes and nose;

A piece of tinsel;


We begin work with the manufacture of the house. First, we take a rectangle cut out of a plastic panel, approximately 11 * 18 cm in size and cocktail sticks (they are pre-cut to the size of the rectangle) and start gluing them on a rectangular base. First we lay out 2 parallel sticks, then 2 more but already perpendicular to the previous ones, etc. until the height is about 10-11cm.

The window from which our dog will look out can be laid out in the process of work, cutting the sticks for this in advance or then cutting it out with a paper knife.

Then we take the remaining rectangles measuring 11 * 11 cm, and pierce two holes in them so that they are on the same line.

Now they need to be glued in the middle, forming the roof of the house from them.

We glue the roof to the house, then we pierce two holes in the bottom plate and insert the rope. She will go through the roof, down, and out onto the roof again.

Now we start sewing the very hero of the occasion - the dog - the symbol of 2018. To do this, we cut blanks from felt using computer templates. I used beige and gray felt.

We sew a muzzle of a dog.

I put a little padding polyester in the house to make it look more filled.

We plant the dog, glue the bottom to the bottom of the house with a glue gun.

We decorate the house with tinsel to give a New Year's shine.

We decorate the edges of the house with a brocade ribbon.

Let's start making numbers from alabaster. I laid out the alabaster in the form of numbers on a plastic film, inserted wooden skewers into the bases of the numbers. When the numbers hardened, I processed them with sandpaper.

Then I painted them with mother-of-pearl varnish of different shades, let it dry.

I inserted the numbers into the holes on the roof of the house, fixed them with glue.

Since the main condition of the competition for which this a toy was use natural material, I decided to decorate the roof with shells. Between the shells, I applied decorative glue with glitter.

The toy is ready!

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The New Year is approaching, which both adults and children are waiting for. The main attribute of this kind and bright holiday is the Christmas tree. It's time to think about decorations.

Author: Nasonova Olga Valerievna, physical education instructor of the MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 37", Yelets. Description: The master class is intended for.

Do you love needlework? Then you will love making DIY Christmas decorations! This is a pleasant and exciting activity for the whole family that will not leave anyone indifferent - you will spend several evenings with pleasure making toys for the Christmas tree with your own hands.

What do we use for the material

What do you need to make DIY Christmas decorations? You can use almost anything that comes your way. If you want, you can buy special consumables (sold in art stores), or you can use what is in any home. So what to prepare:
  • plain paper (suitable for making patterns);
  • pencils and markers;
  • ordinary, white and colored cardboard (velvet can be used);
  • sharp scissors and a dummy knife;
  • glue (PVA or glue gun with rods);
  • threads and needles;
  • yarn of different shades;
  • various decorative materials - it can be sparkles, sequins, confetti, multi-colored foil, stickers and much more.
This is a basic set, but in order to make a specific Christmas tree toy, something else may be required.

Simple crafts from improvised materials

Of course, you have probably seen how they are made from thread and glue. christmas balls with your own hands, but why not expand the range? We make different Christmas decorations with our own hands.

From yarn

This is a simple and at the same time spectacular Christmas decoration that can decorate any Christmas tree.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • yarn;
  • tailor's pins;
  • plate or bowl;
  • porous material (for example, a disposable tray);
  • cutting paper;
  • marker.
The threads need to be soaked in glue - the glue should soak the yarn well, it is thanks to it that the decoration will keep its shape. While the threads are absorbing the glue, you need to make a template for your toy - draw on paper what you want. It can be DIY Christmas balls, outlandish birds or neat little houses. You can also try to make a snowman, a couple of small Christmas trees and a star.

The template needs to be attached with pins (or ordinary toothpicks) to the porous material, and lay out the pattern you need on top - first the contour is laid out, then the interior decor. Do not cross the threads too often, the toy should be fairly flat. After you are done, dry the product and remove it from the pins, and tie a loop in the eye. If desired, you can decorate with sparkles or rain.

From wire

How to make Christmas toys with your own hands in just a couple of minutes? Use wire!

To make toys you will need:

  • two types of wire - thick and thin (thin can be replaced with bright threads, for example, floss. Pure white strong threads look very nice);
  • beads, beads;
  • colored tape;
  • pliers.
In order to make figurines or balls for the Christmas tree, cut a few pieces from thick wire and give them the shape that your Christmas decoration will have. In our case, this is a star, but you can use any geometric shapes and simple silhouettes.

The ends of the thick wire must be twisted. You need to string beads and beads mixed on a thin wire, tie the end of a thin wire to a future Christmas tree decoration, and wrap it randomly.

When the toy is evenly wrapped, you need to wrap the free tail of the wire around the toy, and tie a ribbon in the shape of a bow - your toy is ready.

Another original idea:

Ribbon and beads

Who said that do-it-yourself New Year's toys must be done for a long time and painstakingly? Not at all. Literally in five minutes you can, which will decorate both the New Year's tree and the interior.

You will need:

  • beads;
  • narrow tape;
  • yellow, gold or silver cardboard;
  • glue "Second";
  • needle with thread.
We fold the ribbon with an accordion and string it on a thread, after each loop of the ribbon you need to string a bead. The more "tiers", the smaller they are - you see, the Christmas tree is already starting to turn out. When the ribbon ends, the thread must be tied in a knot, and a small star should be cut out of the cardboard. Next, you need to glue your Christmas tree to the star, and make a loop on top so that the decoration can be easily hung.

The interior decor made in this way looks very attractive.

From cardboard - in a couple of minutes

Some Christmas toys made of paper or cardboard take a lot of time to make, but not in this case - here you really need a couple of minutes to make an elegant hand-made Christmas decoration.

So, you will need:

  • ordinary cardboard;
  • some twine or thick yarn;
  • glue;
  • paints and brushes;
  • napkin or cloth;
  • varied decor.
Make two figurines out of cardboard, glue them together, laying a thread with a loop between them - the blank for the toy is ready.

We wrap the tree in different directions with a free tail of twine. After some pattern of threads appears on the Christmas tree, you can start gluing it with a napkin. You can tear the napkin into pieces, coat the Christmas tree well with glue, and glue it tightly with a napkin. This will give a nice texture to the future toy.

After the toy has dried, you can start painting - paint the Christmas tree green.

After the paint layer dries, shade the texture of the toy with a dry hard brush and white paint, and then decorate as you like.

From bright patches

Here you will need a sewing machine, but with a special desire, you can manage without it. it The best way make Christmas toys from cotton wool and fabric - just choose a fabric with a Christmas ornament, or use the one you have on hand.

Prepare some paper patterns - for example, deer, stars, gingerbread men, cubs, letters and hearts. Cut the blanks out of the fabric with your own hands, sew them in pairs, leaving a small gap (for stuffing), and through this small hole, tightly stuff the toys with cotton wool or padding polyester. It is most convenient to fill with a pencil.

Patterns can be downloaded here:

By the way, do not forget - we sew on a typewriter from the inside, but if you decide to make toys made of dense fabric with the kids, then it’s better to sew them with a decorative seam over the edge - a do-it-yourself toy will look simply charming and suitable even for a home Christmas tree, even for kindergarten- usually for kindergarten trees, children make decorations themselves.

From twine and cardboard

New Year's toys made of paper and cardboard will be much more interesting if you add a couple more simple materials to them. To make such a toy, you will need ordinary cardboard, simple paper or natural twine, a little felt or any other fabric, as well as plain paper, a pencil and a ruler, a drop of glue.

The star pattern can be downloaded here:

First, make a pattern on plain paper, and then transfer it to cardboard. Do not forget that the star must be double. Do not make the star too thin, it is better to make it from a centimeter or more. The tail of the twine is glued to the cardboard, then you need to gradually wrap the entire workpiece.

Lay the thread as tightly as possible so that there are no gaps. In order to decorate the star, make a couple of leaves and berries out of fabric and decorate one of the rays. Your decoration is ready.

From yarn and cardboard

Do you want to make original and at the same time charming Christmas decorations with your own hands? Then it's time to make small gift hats with your own hands from improvised materials. It's wonderful new year gift which looks cute and will keep you warm all winter!

To make Christmas tree decorations in the form of hats, you will need:

  • a couple of toilet paper bushings (you can just glue cardboard rings together);
  • remnants of colored yarn;
  • beads and sequins for decoration.
From cardboard, you need to glue rings about 1.5-2 cm wide. If you use a toilet paper sleeve as a base, cut it into several segments of approximately the same width.

The threads need to be cut into segments of approximately 20-22 centimeters. We fold each piece in half, draw the loop through the cardboard ring, and stretch the free edges of the threads through the loop. It is necessary that the thread is firmly fixed on the cardboard base. So you need to repeat until the cardboard base is hidden under the threads.

All thread tails need to be pulled through the ring so that our hat has a “lapel”.

And now we drag the free ponytails tightly with a thread and cut them in the shape of a pompom - the hat is ready! It remains only to make a loop and decorate your Christmas tree toy with sequins and sparkles.

From beads

Making a New Year's toy in the style of minimalism is easy and simple - you will need wire, beads and beads, a ribbon and a coin (you can replace it with a small candy, but it looks much more spectacular with a coin). Try to make this Christmas tree toy with your own hands, a very simple master class.

Make a loop on the wire and string green beads mixed with large beads on it - they will play the role of New Year's balls on our Christmas tree. After the wire is filled, give it the shape of a Christmas tree, folding in a spiral.

Once your tree is in shape, fold the loose end into a loop.

We cut off a piece of ribbon, form a loop for hanging from it and stretch it through the Christmas tree, and decorate the free tail with a coin (the easiest way is to stick it on double-sided tape). We tie a decorative bow on the loop for hanging - your decor is ready!

Christmas balls

How to make a Christmas ball of thread? As easy as shelling pears, watch our master class about spectacular lace balls on the Christmas tree.

Would need:

  • several balloons;
  • cotton threads;
  • PVA, water and sugar;
  • scissors;
  • polymer glue;
  • spray paint;
  • decor.

First you need to inflate the balloon - not completely, but according to the size of the future decoration. Mix two tablespoons of water, two teaspoons of sugar and PVA glue (50 ml), and soak the thread in this mixture so that the thread is saturated. Then you need to wrap the ball with a thread randomly. The balls need to be dried for several hours. After the glue is completely dry, you need to blow off the ball and take it out, and gently paint the thread ball with spray paint and decorate with sequins and sparkles.

Do-it-yourself thread Christmas balls will turn out to be very, very spectacular if you make them in different tones - for example, red, silver and gold. Try to make Christmas balls with your own hands using different techniques - you can sew or knit balls, make them from cotton wool with your own hands or, for example, sew them from felt - there are never too many such toys.

From paper

New Year's paper decorations are very popular among both big and small admirers of the New Year's miracle - try making paper Christmas balls with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself New Year's paper toy is done like this:

Decorating such a toy is not additionally required, it is already expressive.

Another version of the ball:

Or you can make such a ball according to the master class:

From felt

Do-it-yourself Christmas toys made of felt look very warm and cozy, and making them is very, very simple. To make your own charming Christmas toys made of felt, you will need:
  • red, white and green felt;
  • threads of red, white and green;
  • glue Crystal;
  • scissors and needles;
  • cardboard;
  • some satin ribbon;
  • soft filler (cotton wool, holofiber, synthetic winterizer).

First make sketches for your future toys. It can be anything. After the patterns are ready, transfer them to the felt and cut them out. What is good about this material is that it does not crumble, you will not need to additionally process the edge of each workpiece.

Make the same decorative elements - for example, holly branches (by the way, did you know that this is a symbol of joy and Christmas reconciliation?). Berries need to be glued to the leaf with glue, and then make a decorative knot - this will add volume to the berries.

We sew each blank in pairs. By the way, it is best to sew with contrasting threads, it will be fun and elegant. And how to make Christmas decorations voluminous? Stuff them with holofiber before sewing them up completely! Spread the product well, so the Christmas tree toy will be stuffed more evenly. For stuffing, you can use the back of the pencil.

Sew on decorative elements and your Christmas toy is ready!

Try sewing felt decorations not only for the Christmas tree, but also for the home - for example, a Christmas wreath decorated with felt toys looks very stylish. Check out the selection Christmas decorations do-it-yourself photos of master classes - and you will understand how much interesting things can be done from ordinary felt of two or three colors.

Master class on how to make a Christmas garland with your own hands from felt:

Below you can download templates and patterns different Christmas trees for crafts from felt.

In addition to a trip to the country, I was taken aback by the task in the kindergarten. From time to time they pester me with creative tasks, but on the one hand I love them, and I can’t refuse. That project by patriotic education I sculpt among my daughter, then we make 50 origami doves of the world, then I spend a home photo session for a collage about the physical education of a child (we jump on a trampoline, we try to twist the hoop).

I’m already starting to be afraid of schools, they say they generally like to fill up with tasks of this kind. Well, one of the last assignments - not only to me, but to three parents from each group. In each district of our city they put up a Christmas tree, and there is the main Christmas tree of Yekaterinburg. We needed toys for our local Christmas tree. From time to time, the district administration strains kindergartens with such tasks. Well, kindergartens strain us - parents.

In general, they gave a week of time and a task - a do-it-yourself Christmas tree toy, preferably a New Year's ball, about 30 cm in diameter, white, blue or silver or all together, weight up to 1 kg. Rope length 40 cm.

I decided to go the "beautiful and budget toy" path. That is, it was possible to stupidly find a ball for games in a store with a diameter of 30 cm or so, wrap something around it and go. As a matter of fact, some did. But I got creative. I decided to make a ball from what I have at home.

I thought about the idea for two days, leafed through the Internet, and finally I had a plan of action. I decided along the way to take pictures of everything almost from the very beginning, I was not the only one in the vast expanses of Russia who was strained with such a task. Maybe someone will fit - as a master class for making New Year's toys. In the end, you can only take the base, and the decor is already your imagination.

So I decided to form a ball out of newspapers. They are easy and free :))))).

While the ball was small, I just wound one sheet of newspaper after another. But when the ball reached about 15 cm, the newspapers began to unfold. Then I brought scotch tape to the rescue and grabbed the unfolding edges with it. Finally my newspaper ball was ready.

But since it had a loose and uneven structure a little short of the shape of a ball, I decided to wrap it with cling film on top.

I wrapped it and realized that the cling film added accuracy, but it’s still far from a more or less sane ball shape. Then I brought scotch tape to help, it is more dense. And my ball became like something.

Next, we had to fasten the rope. Here I made one tactical mistake, but when I realized it, it was too late to redo it. In principle, what I did is possible, but this is if you have a short rope for hanging the ball. There is no more and that's it. I just took and very thoroughly stuck the rope to the ball with adhesive tape, plus grabbed it with threads. But I had enough rope. You could simply wrap the balloon with a rope and leave a loop for hanging. The rest, just secure with tape. This design is much more reliable, here the rope will certainly not come off. But - learn from mistakes.

I fixed the rope well, and the ball, despite its size, weighs about 350-400 grams - they weighed it on the scales. Next, you need to smoothly move on to the decor. Well, here I have already pulled up those ideas that the Internet inspired me.

For some reason, I really liked the balls-balls. Some simply wrap Christmas decorations with threads, beads, sequins, sparkles, etc. on top, and a unique toy is ready. At my house, a ball of ownerless white yarn was just lying around, which I couldn’t attach anywhere. And here is just the concept of colors - white, blue and silver.

I carefully wrapped my ball with food foil in 2 layers. Where necessary, also secured with tape.

But the foil breaks very quickly, so I already attracted the same white yarn from above. It turned out such a ball.

Then it got easier. Not the first year I have been making a “snowflake” dress from an ordinary dress for a matinee, I have a whole bunch of sequins in the form of snowflakes left from this. Also glue Moment in the form of a gel, almost not smelly, but holds tight. She didn’t become sophisticated, she just let silver stripes go over the “ball.

When finished, they made a bow out of blue tinsel, which was also found in abundance in a bag with Christmas decorations.

My daughter helped me as much as she could. We hung this ball with her and thought.

He lacks something, - my daughter tells me.

Yes, it's missing, but what? I answer.